Work-based Learning
What is Work-based Learning?
Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous CTE and general education courses within a professional work environment. This course allows students to earn high school credit for select models of work-based learning, which allow students to interact with industry professionals in order to extend and deepen classroom work and support the development of postsecondary and career readiness knowledge and skills.
Who can participate?
Any junior or senior student who is at least 16 years of age at the time they are enrolled in the course. Reliable transportation is required for each student participating in the Work Based Learning program at WCHS. Students must work with the Work Based Learning Coordinator and Career Coach to find appropriate job placement, related to their program of study, before the beginning of the Work-based Learning class. Students should obtain a job placement relative to their elective focus area to gain hands on experience and on-the-job training that can offer a smooth transition into their post secondary educational and workforce careers.
What are other course requirements?
Students must complete in-class coursework including journal entries throughout the semester, a Personalized Learning Plan, professional résumé, employment/employee evaluations, and other documents related to the students job placement. School attendance is a priority with Work-based Learning. Students must maintain at least a 90% attendance rate at school, and students must be passing each class in which they are enrolled. Students must obtain and keep a job placement during their Work-based Learning course to reinforce academic, technical and employability skills through hands on work experience.
Work-based Learning Resources
WBL Personalized Learning Plan
Child Labor Law Overview
WBL Framework
WBL Policy Guide
WBL Standards